Monday, June 6, 2011

Why Healthcare Today?

There is a revolution happening in healthcare in the United States. A report by the Institute of Medicine, Crossing the Quality Chasm, in 2001 (and backed up by numerous reports since then) documented that the U.S. healthcare system is less than it could or should be.  Among the problems are:

  • Patients don't get the care that research says that they should;
  • Treatments are delivered in many different settings and too often the healthcare providers are not able to share information or coordinate care;
  • Millions of Americans are injured each year by preventable errors and mistakes
  • Healthcare is expensive in the US and other countries deliver the same or better care for less money.
The good news is that there is a massive effort underway to correct this situation.  I thought that by writing about the progress of this effort I may be able to inform others of strides we are now making.  There is much happening and much to be yet determined.  It's an exciting time in healthcare.

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